22 players have been signed up for this competition as of 1:59 AM Thursday 5th December
Thomas Berkeley (Eastbourne Downs) |
Brian Blackwell (19.0) |
Rick Bowley (25.1) |
Sandy Dawson (39.8) |
Adam Farrell (25.3) |
Annie Feeney (22.5) |
Jon Hill (14.7) |
Kirsty Hudson (41.3) |
Stuart Lear (23.6) |
Jay Lorton (11.4) |
Jacqui Martin (Highwoods (Bexhill) Golf Club) |
Tony Martin () |
Peter Matthews (18.8) |
Stephen Richardson (Eastbourne Downs) |
Brian Skinner (16.8) |
Gareth Smith (38.2) |
Nick Standen (22.8) |
Matt Stewart (37.0) |
Emma Warner (17.4) |
Caroline Wright (27.0) |
Dennis Wright (34.6) |
Susan Yearwood (Highwoods (Bexhill) Golf Club) |